Book Review Form Home»Book Review Form Book Review If you have read a book that you think would make a good discussion, please complete the form below. All reviews are considered and brought forward to our book selection committee. Thank you for your submission. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Author/Title *Description [Don’t worry about this as descriptions can easily be pulled from Amazon or Calgary Library]Publisher and Date Published: *Number of Pages: *Type of Book (e.g., historical fiction, mystery, classic, Canadian literature, biography/memoir, crime fiction, literary fiction, science fiction, romance): *Setting (Time, Place): *What will make this a good book for discussion?[Consider the writing, the characters, setting/context, content, and participants.] *Are there aspects of the book that will make it challenging for a discussion? *Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the book?Is this suitable for Zoom, a weekend discussion or both? *Please rate for inclusion considering other books we have discussed. Is there enough to discuss for 90 minutes? Consider the writing, the characters, the setting/context, content and the participants. (1) Low priority, there are better books to discuss (2) Medium priority, could be a possibility depending on other options (3) High priority for inclusion. *(1) Low priority, there are better books to discuss(2) Medium priority, could be a possibility depending on other options(3) High priority for inclusionMessageSubmit